Before I tell you more about Crochet Boss Academy, let's make sure you're a good fit.

You are right for Crochet Boss Academy if you want to build a successful finished-piece crochet business that creates new revenue for your family all while giving you the freedom and peace of mind of being your own boss.

Crochet Boss Academy is right for you if you want to build a crochet business that allows you to spend more time with your family, brings out your true potential, and gives you the sense of accomplishment that only running your own business can.

If you are...

A stay-at-home mom who wants to create supplemental income for your family.

A finished-piece seller that has already built a business but you aren't seeing the results you expected and it feels like you're spinning your wheels.

Currently working a 9 to 5 but want to leave so you can spend more time with your family and show your children the value of hard work.

A hobby crocheter whose friends and family are always saying you should start a business selling your crochet pieces.

You're in the right place!

Crochet Boss Academy will give you the tools, inspiration, and unparalleled support to create and grow a successful finished-piece crochet business that you will have for the rest of your life.


By the end of this program, you will have...

Figured out exactly who you serve

so you can start speaking directly to her, across all your platforms, and draw her in like a magnet.

Created all elements of your brand including

the visual components, your unique brand voice, and the experience your customers will have when they shop with you.

Confidently built a stellar Etsy shop without

overlooking any of the key details that could hurt your reach or limit your number of sales.

Optimized your Etsy shop and all your listings to

help your shop show up in search results, expanding your organic reach on Etsy and bringing in new customers.

Planned out a social media strategy that

fits your unique schedule while removing all doubt about how to show up.

Created an opt-in and email strategy

so you can unlock the power of email in your business and start getting more sales with each email!

Crochet Boss Academy was the best thing I ever did for my business!

The wealth of knowledge I gained is worth its weight in gold. The support from Ashley and the other bosses, and the friendships I made were an added bonus.

Ashley is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to making your crochet business successful. She truly cares and wants you to succeed. She explains everything so well! In each module, we learned so much and then some, it is worth every penny!

- Bethany, Just B Innovative

Plain and Simple: Crochet Boss Academy Changes Lives and it's Officially OPEN for Enrollment


Heavens Handmaid

The Crochet Boss Academy has helped me more than I could have dreamed of. My following on social media has grown consistently. I have learned so many new skills to grow my business. Ashley is so helpful and so caring! She is such an inspiration and a dream to work with!!!

Cozy Corner Crochet

Seriously the most amazing thing I've ever purchased! I have learned so much from Crochet Boss Academy and my small crochet business is definitely growing because of it. Also, Ashley's generosity and ability to teach is absolutely amazing.

Cedar and Mint

I've been crocheting for years and trying to sell for the past 12 months without success. Within two months of joining Crochet Boss Academy, I have more than enough business to keep me busy and so much confidence that I never had before. I am so thankful for Ashley and Crochet Boss Academy!

Module 1- Finding Your Ideal Customer

This is one of the most important things you can do for your business.

  • The importance of targeting one specific person and why your current approach may be hurting your business.

  • 5 proven strategies to truly get to know your ideal customer like she's your best friend.

  • Tangible locations you can start hanging out to spend time with your ideal customer.

  • The answer to many common problems like, not having enough time, feeling stressed and overwhelmed, struggling with decision-making, drawing a blank when trying to show up on social media, and most importantly, not getting as many sales as you would like.

Module 2- Building Your Dream Brand

When you hear the word branding you probably think of logos and color palettes. While those things are a part of your branding, there is so much more that goes with it.

  • Create all the visual elements of your brand and start using them consistently throughout your business.

  • Decide the tone you want to be associated with your brand so you can build a unique relationship with your audience.

  • Intentionally manufacture the experience your customers will have when engaging with your brand.

  • Start standing out in the sea of handmade business owners and pulling your ideal customer in like a magnet.

Module 3- Building a Successful Etsy Shop

Properly setting up all the techy-techy for a new Etsy shop can be overwhelming. In this module I will walk you through it, step-by-step, so it's less scary, and so you don't over-look any important details.

  • Fully understand how Etsy fees work and how you should price your products accordingly.

  • Strategically create and implement all the visual elements of your Etsy shop.

  • Master all the written elements of your shop (even the boring but crucial stuff).

  • Learn how to have stellar customer service so your Etsy customers come back and shop with you again and again.

Module 4- Optimizing your Etsy Shop for Success

In this module, we will get into the meat of optimizing your shop to work FOR you and bring you a bunch of new customers.

  • Understand Etsy's search algorithm like a pro.

  • Learn how to find the best Keywords to get your Etsy listings seen.

  • Set your Etsy listings up like a pro and ensure you've checked all the boxes.

  • Learn the types of photos every Etsy listing needs and tips on how to take and edit your Etsy photos.

  • Learn how to strategically build optimized listings that will lead to more sales.

Module 5- Creating a Social Media Strategy

Gone are the days when you have no idea what to post on social media! In this module, we will:

  • Look at social media in a new way and practice a few mindset shifts that will change the game.

  • Learn how to come up with endless ideas for what to post on social media.

  • Learn all my secrets for planning and batching content more efficiently.

  • Learn how to write captions that will get more engagement and lead to more sales.

  • Learn how to find the best hashtags for your brand that your ideal customer is searching.

  • Take the guesswork out of creating Instagram Reels by learning all kinds of tips and tricks.

Module 6- Creating and Executing an Email Strategy

If you don't have an email list for your crochet business, you are for sure missing out on some sales!

  • Learn why email marketing is so important to your business.

  • Learn how to entice people to sign up to your email list so you can grow it quickly.

  • Learn all the techy techy for setting up your account and automation.

  • Learn what to send, when to send and how to send stellar emails to your list.

When you add together the value of all the bonuses and the value of the course, that's a real-world value of over $2,000!

7-Day Money Back Guarantee

We don't want anyone inside of Crochet Boss Academy who doesn't want to be there.

If you purchase Crochet Boss Academy and are not fully satisfied with the course, you can request a full refund within the first 7 days of the course start date.

Read the full Terms of Use here.

I am so glad I decided to invest in my dream!

As a single mom, I was hesitant at first when I saw the price. But I decided it was important to invest in my dream if I was ever going to meet my goals. I’m so glad that I did!

Ashley’s class is so organized and thoughtful, and the information is invaluable. In the last 6 weeks I have tripled my orders, had IG Reels get over 20k views, and gained 130 new IG followers. I have a clear brand now that makes choices for my business SO much easier which gives me more quality time to actually make things!!

I have changed as a business owner after taking CBA, but I’ve also changed as a person. I am more confident now and I really believe that I can meet and exceed my goals with my crochet business.

If you’re on the fence, take the leap! Invest in yourself and your dreams! I am so forever thankful that I did!

Natasha Williams, Class of 22
Maya Jay Crochet

Ready to bet on yourself and make your crochet business dreams a reality?

If you're thinking "this sounds amazing, but I'm still not 100% sure" keep reading...

You should give Crochet Boss Academy a 7-day risk-free shot if you're motivated by any of the following:

You recognize there is no "perfect time" and waiting is not the answer.

That doesn't mean spending money on yourself isn't scary. I was the same way. Actually, I STILL struggle to buy things for myself, but not business things.

This far into my journey, I have learned that nearly every time I invest in myself, my business grows.

Whether it's a course, a fancy DSLR camera, a new ring light, the first tier of an email service provider or even a new WIP bag to carry your projects in, your business will benefit from your investment. And so will you as the business owner.

There's rarely a perfect time to step out of your comfort zone. You can prepare till you're blue in the face, but when does preparation turn into procrastination?

You know the value of time, and you know you have the heart of an entrepreneur. If you choose not to invest in Crochet Boss Academy this year, don't let it be because of fear.

You can do hard things!

You're not afraid of putting in the hard work.

You are already speaking my language, friend. I'm nothing if not a hard worker, and when you get a couple of us hard workers together- Things. Get. Done!

I see you working hard, staying up late, Googling things like "how to start an email list" or "how to go viral on Instagram".

You're working hard every day to make your dream a reality.

To show your kids what hard work and discipline can do.

To save money for your family's Disney vacation.

I see you! You're doing great! If you want a little help, take a risk and sign up for Crochet Boss Academy.

Let me take some of the guesswork out of what you're trying to do and save you a couple of thousand hours of Googling followed by trial and error.

You've got the fire and I've got the direction! We would make a great team!

You're tired of feeling lonely and always trying to do everything by yourself.

Listen. It's no secret running your own business is the most rewarding job on the planet. But boy is it LONELY!

Without a good support system, running your own business can be mentally and physically exhausting.

Surrounding yourself with like-minded makers who are eager to hear about your new logo or who squeal out loud when you announce you got your first Etsy sale, that's food for the entrepreneur's soul!

Crochet Boss Academy is the perfect little corner of the world where crocheters can connect with one another, encourage one another, lift each other up and celebrate wins with one another!

You may not even realize you were missing it until you finally have it and things start falling into place!

If you are looking for community, support, and friendship, Crochet Boss Academy is the place for you!